Return Policy

Return Policy

Steck Manufacturing hopes you are satisfied with all parts and products.

If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you have 15 days to return for a refund, which will be received Via Credit Card used for purchase.

What is your return policy?

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your Steck Manufacturing purchase, the item(s) may be returned within 15 days of purchase by calling 937-222-0062 or email at to obtain a RETURN GOODS AUTHORIZATION number. This number must be clearly written on the outside of the package. If it is not clearly written Milton Industries, INC® will not accept delivery of the package. Please package the item(s) and its contents in its original packaging along with your packing slip and securely tape the box for shipping purposes

Please package the item(s) and its contents in its original packaging along with your packing slip and securely tape the box for shipping purposes.

To ensure your return, please return the merchandise via ground only shipping methods. Please mail the item(s) via USPS/Priority Mail or FedEx Ground (using a tracking number). Mail the box using traceable ground shipping to: Steck Manufacturing Attn: Returns Department 1200 Leo St.Dayton, OH 45404

We will refund the original shipping & handling on returns if an item is defective or if we made an error; however, if you return the item for any other reason, we will NOT refund the original shipping & handling. Steck Manufacturing does not accept CODs for returned merchandise. Return shipping charges are the responsibility of the purchaser

Steck Manufacturing will issue a refund within 30 business days of receiving and processing your return. The credit should appear on your statement within two billing periods, depending on your billing cycle. Online returns without the original invoice are NOT eligible for exchanges or credit.

I ordered/received the wrong product, should I return it?

If your online order is not as expected, please contact us at 937-222-0062 or email at for assistance.

My item arrived damaged. What should I do?

When your order arrives, please inspect the carton for any damage that may have occurred during shipment. It is normal for the shipping carton to show some wear, however, if damage occurred to the item(s) in your shipment, please retain the box, the packing materials and the items inside and contact us immediately at 937-222-0062 or email at for assistance. Please provide the sales order number along with your phone number for fastest service

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